(December 6, 2022)
The name of the organization is the Menomonee Falls Saddle Club.
SECTION 1: To develop, encourage and promote good sportsmanship and fellowship in equestrian sports among equine lovers (horses/donkeys/mules) together with the knowledge and interest in their care, training, and breeding.
SECTION 2: Through the activities of this club, to interest and educate the public in the recreational possibilities and benefits of the use and ownership of equines.
SECTION 3: To promote and cultivate friendly relationships with similar clubs throughout the state and elsewhere.
SECTION 4: For the uses and purposes for which this organization is formed: to lease, purchase and hold such properties for the use and enjoyment in fee simple, deed in trust or dispose of the same at the pleasure of the organization.
SECTION 1: A member who is in good standing is one who has paid the Club’s annual dues .Members also need to attend three (3) or more monthly meetings, OR work one of the Club’s events, OR contribute some type of service for the club.
SECTION 2: Membership in this organization shall be granted to all persons who upon application have been approved by a majority of the Board of Directors and confirmed upon payment of the initial dues.
SECTION 3: A Family Membership is defined as a maximum of two (2) senior members and dependents under eighteen (18) residing in the same household. After reaching the age of eighteen (18) as of January 1, the member is no longer included under the family membership and may apply for a Student or Individual Membership.
SECTION 3a: A dependent over eighteen (18), who is a fulltime student shall be considered part of a Family membership as long as they are in school, with school identification, and sharing the same address until age twenty-four (24).
SECTION 4: An Individual Membership is for a single person eighteen (18) years or more and not a student.
SECTION 5: A Student Membership is for a single person eighteen (18) to twenty-four (24) with school ID.
SECTION 6: Participation in the activities of the organization shall be restricted to members only. Events covered by club insurance are open to the public.
SECTION 1: The dollar amount of the Membership Dues for Family, Individual, and Student (up to age 24), shall be reviewed and voted upon by the members annually.
SECTION 2: No person shall participate in the annual meeting in November until membership dues have been paid.
SECTION 3: The fiscal year shall run from January 1st through December 31st.
SECTION 4: Dues are payable by January 1st of each year with a grace period up to March 15th for members of the previous year. After March 15th membership is discontinued and the newsletter will no longer be sent.
SECTION 5: If new membership is granted and the initial membership dues are paid to the Treasurer on or after October 1st, it shall be considered as payment of dues for the following fiscal year.
SECTION 1: The organization shall meet monthly.
SECTION 2: The annual meeting shall be held during the month of November each year.
SECTION 3: Special meetings may be called by a majority of the Board of Directors or by the Secretary upon request of any five (5) members of good standing in the organization.
SECTION 4: A quorum shall consist of the President (or Vice President) and Secretary (or acting Secretary) with a total of at least eight (8) voting members of the organization in good standing.
SECTION 5: A Family Membership shall be entitled to two adult votes and an Individual or Student Membership shall be entitled to one vote at any and all elections and meetings of the organization. Members must be present to vote, except in the case of absentee ballots for elections of officers.
SECTION 6: Robert’s “Rules of Order” shall govern this organization in all its proceedings and actions of its Officers and Directors.
SECTION 1: The elective officers of the organization shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
SECTION 2: There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of seven (7) members: being the President, Vice President, the immediate past President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and two other members elected from the organization’s members. The Secretary of the organization shall act as the Secretary of the Board of Directors.
SECTION 3: All Officers and Directors of the organization shall be elected at the annual meeting in November and shall take office at the Annual Banquet serving for one year until their successors are duly elected and qualified. No Officers or Director shall hold office more than two (2) consecutive years. In the case that there are no other candidates for any of the positions the membership may choose to re-elect a current Officer or Board of Director to a new term.
SECTION 4: A member shall belong to the club for one year before holding an elected position.
(Duties of the Directors and Officers)
SECTION 1: The general supervision and direction of the affairs of the organization shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall meet at least two (2) times a year. They shall fill any and all vacancies which may occur among the officers between annual meetings. They may carry on all business and other activities of the organization.
SECTION 2: The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and all meetings of the Board of Directors. The President shall perform all the duties incident to this office. The President shall have the power to appoint such committees as may be deemed necessary from time to time. The Vice President shall act for the President in his/her absence.
SECTION 3: The duty of the Secretary shall be to take minutes and keep a permanent record of all meetings of this organization. The Secretary shall report to the organization on the proceedings of the Board of Directors and upon the activities of the organization.
SECTION 4: The duty of the Treasurer shall be to keep records and have charge and custody of all funds and pay out same. The Treasurer shall make a report at each meeting upon the financial affairs of the organization and upon all funds coming into his/her possession. The Treasurer shall deliver all funds and records to his/her successor by the end of January. At the end of the fiscal year the Treasurer shall have the books audited by either an independent source or by two (2) qualified members.
SECTION 5: All monies of the organization shall be handled by the Treasurer and deposited in a bank designated by the Board of Directors. All checks against the account of the organization shall be signed by the Treasurer and one other Officer or Board Member.
SECTION 6: The Board of Directors shall be limited to expenditures in the amount not to exceed one ($100) dollars at any one time unless authorized at a meeting of the organization to exceed that amount.
SECTION 1: At each annual meeting in November, all Officers and Directors shall be elected.
SECTION 2: Prior to each annual meeting, nominations shall be opened for nomination from the floor. The names of such nominees will be placed on the ballot to be used in the election of officers.
SECTION 3: All voting for officers of the organization shall be by secret ballot and a plurality shall be required to elect. The Board of Directors shall count the votes.
SECTION 4: Only members in good standing whose dues are paid in accordance with these By-Laws, shall be eligible to vote at any election and each membership is entitled to vote according to the membership paid.
SECTION 1: These By-Laws may be altered and amended at any meeting of the organization, providing a quorum is present, by a majority vote of the members present at such meeting (provided that the proposed amendment has been presented in writing and read by the Secretary at a previous meeting).
(Grounds Committee)
SECTION 1: No Club property is to be taken from the grounds unless removal has been approved and recorded by the Chairperson of the Grounds Committee and the President or Vice-President.
SECTION 2: Keys to storage areas and other buildings on the grounds will be kept by the Chairperson of the Grounds Committee. The Chairperson and Secretary must keep a written record of inventory for members who have keys.
SECTION 3: No improvements or additions shall be made on the grounds without the approval of the Grounds Committee. The Grounds Committee must get permission from the Board of Directors or Club if these improvements or additions are termed major by the Club President, the Grounds Committee or the Club.
SECTION 4: The Grounds Committee shall be responsible for keeping up with all pertinent rules and ordinances of the Board of the Town of Lisbon. All improvements shall be made with Zoning ordinances and the Club’s master plan in mind.
SECTION 5: Rental of the grounds and rental fees shall be set by the Board of Directors or the Club. All checks shall be made payable to the Menomonee Falls Saddle Club. The Grounds Committee shall be furnished with a calendar of events scheduled for the grounds.
SECTION 6: The Chairperson of the Grounds Committee shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. The appointed Grounds Chairperson shall have been a member of the Club for at least one (1) year. The Grounds Chairperson shall be invited to attend the Board of Directors meeting as an advisor.
SECTION 1: In the event that the club is not able to meet its financial obligations, the board of directors may call for a vote of dissolution which shall be determined by majority vote of the membership.
SECTION 2: All assets of the club will be liquidated, and the funds will be distributed to up to 3 equine related non-profit/educational organizations located in the state of Wisconsin to be voted on by the membership.
SECTION 3: The Treasurer and President will be responsible for filing any legal paperwork for dissolution with the State of Wisconsin and/or the Internal Revenue Service.